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Sharing the Love

Love for Humanity Cards

It is 4 a.m. and sleep has once again eluded me these past few hours. Trying not to wake my family from their peaceful slumber (or startle the dog), I slip out of bed, grab my slippers and quietly make my way to the kitchen for a soothing cup of roman chamomile and manuka honey tea. Ah…that’s better.

As I sit down at my computer to distract my mind, I feel a small piece of the impact that the unrest in our society has on me. I feel sadness. I feel anger. But I also feel hopeful. Hopeful that more and more people will wake up and get over the self arrogance and realize we are all divinely connected to something so much larger than we are. Hopeful that we all will one day know what it feels like to be divinely connected to each other. Hopeful that we as humans will all see how amazing it is to experience that incredible joy of having love and compassion for ourselves and others. But what can I do about all this? Ah yes, let the creativity flow.

For some time, I have had a vision of a simple little card with a simple little message that could be easily shared with anyone. The intention with these cards is to help raise the vibration of the world by promoting love and joy through the little act of sharing them with friends, family and even complete strangers. Or maybe it is you that needs the message that day. Such an easy way to share the love, right?

Holiday Love For Humanity

After getting over my own road blocks (through help or more like a gentle shove from Divine guidance), my dream of sharing love for humanity became a reality. Last month, decks of Love for Humanity share cards were made available and the positive response in this little community I call home has literally given me goose bumps! I am so excited that people are sharing the love! So excited in fact, that I am finishing up the creation of limited edition deck for the holidays. Ah yeah! Who doesn’t need a little more love during the holidays? Follow my Facebook or Instagram and watch for these sweet little decks of cards to be available real soon. In the meantime, if you would like to get your hands on the original deck and start sharing the love, visit my website for a list of local retailers or shop here.

Human + Unity = Humanity. Let’s share the love for humanity!


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